Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Time to do Something is Now!

The federal government borrowed 46 cents of every dollar it has spent so far in fiscal year 2013, which began Oct. 1, according to the latest data the Congressional Budget Office released Friday. It's apparent neither the president nor congress have the courage nor will to do what MUST be done to save the country from its own pending financial disaster, and since they cannot agree on the kind of cuts in spending and increases in revenue that need to happen to stop the insanity of the reckless spending, I say just let the "fiscal cliff" happen. It will for a time slow the economy for sure, but far less than waking up one day and not having the credit to borrow the money to pay it obligations, much like most of Europe is now facing. Ask nearly anyone on the street and it seems like most Americans know we can't borrow money forever, but sadly the only ones that seem to understand that are the ones that aren't in charge of this countries purse strings. The government is poised to post another $1 trillion deficit in fiscal year 2013, which would mark the fifth straight year. Before that, the record was $438 billion, which came in 2008, President George W. Bush’s last full year in office. With the National Debt increasing every second of every day maybe it's time to rip the proverbial "band aid" off and do something about it now.

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